Alpha-Chess Ai chess revolution

The new AI chess Computer world.

Alpha-Chess opening encyclopaedia

The last word of chhess opening with several theorical novelities

The computer chess world

How to make the most of chess software

Alpha-chess powerbook 2024

The new Alpha-Chess Powerbook 2024


Chess engine Alexander the best chess companion to training

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About the author.

Andrea Manzo

Italian computer scientist and ICCF International Correspondence Master. 

He is co-author of BrainLearn, a Stockfish derivative equipped with reinforcement (self/q) learning, and author of ShashChess, another Stockfish derivative, implementing Alexander Shashin theory and a smart handicap mode. 

He is cofounder of Alpha-Chess.

About the author.

Augusto Caruso

Augusto Caruso

is an Italian chess Master, correspondence and board player, and experienced FIDE Trainer; he is a known chess book publisher, currently collaborating with “Le Due Torri” and other Italian chess institutions as graphic designer. He is cofounder of Alpha-Chess, a chess software company.

Other Books

Being the Director and Head Coach of Webster University Chess Team, I am always looking for ways to help my team in their chess journey. As computer have clearly changed the way chess players work in the last decade, their use in chess analysis naturally interests me.
I had the opportunity to work with Andrea Manzo, co-author of The Computer Chess World, and teacher of a course at Webster University, for which this book is the main textbook. During this course, we learned many interesting concepts regarding the way engines work. Most were previously unfamiliar to me, yet they were quite important! We were also given specific and practical advice on optimizing chess software and hardware.
Overall, I find this book interesting and useful for all kinds of chess players.

Grand Master LIEM LE

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